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This is a fabulous, colourful, exuberant card, filled with fun and glorious attention to detail. I gave up after counting twenty-three pairs, but I’ll start again tomorrow. Bound to appeal to people of any age, I have ear-marked my first one for a friend’s youngest son’s birthday. What a magnificently designed and constructed card - a true masterpiece!
This is a masterful card, conveying in six-deep layers of 3-D design, a coral reef, teeming with fish, turtles, sea plants and coral. It is a triumph of design and its true beauty lies in its depth and colour. To convert the deep blue sea in such a vivid way is quite breathtaking-taking. Me&McQ are head and shoulders above any other card company in the whole wide world! Their attention to the tiniest of details, coupled with their jaw-dropping value for money is almost unbelievable. Fantastic artistry elevates this company above all others!
This is a quite beautifully constructed card. The windows in the main farmhouse are minutely cut-out to illustrate the panes of glass - the second floor window having sixteen tiny cut-outs to simulate the glass panels. The attention to detail is quite awe-inspiring. With the hills behind and the farm buildings in the mid-ground. There is a lovely old red tractor, with an array of animals on it, or close by, including cats, dogs, geese, chickens, cows and sheep. With an old milk churn, watering can and wheel-barrow, with assorted forks and spades, this is an outstanding feat of design and artistry! I love it!
What a gloriously conceived card! The Jungle is teeming with animals and it is grand fun trying to find them all - I stopped counting at twenty! As usual with this outstanding company, the design, colouring, attention to detail and general ‘wow factor’ are all in abundance. Add to that the best staff I’ve ever had the good fortune to deal with, and you’re onto a sure-fire winner. I seriously buy no other cards throughout the year. Their Christmas cards are superb, and there is a card for every occasion throughout the year. The value for money, for this attention to detail, is utterly fabulous! Another 10/10 card.
What a great idea for a popup 3-D card. An ideal children’s birthday card, but also a really beautiful and intricately designed card for children of all ages. The nursery rhymes shown include Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffet, Little Bo-Peep, Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle and Jack and Jill. The attention to detail is wondrous, with the laser precise design being shown at its very best. Wow!