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Truly beautiful designed card that works well as an Anniversary Card as well as a Wedding Card. Intricately crafted with a myriad of phrases and sayings, set around many different sprays of flowers and blue birds. A feast for the eyes and so gorgeously presented. A true work of art!
Beautifully constructed card, with a unique design. When the card is opened up it creates a 3D table with a lovely constructed cage, with a display of roses inside and a cascade of flowers draped down the side of the table. It is a wonderfully constructed card and stands alone as an exquisite decoration in its own right!
Delightful, filled with detail, colour and humour.Perfect to use for a variety of occasions.
Although I initially had an issue with the wrong card being sent, I must emphasise that the products are really good.I have bought many cards over the last few years and will continue to do so.
I contacted the shop regarding the error and it was dealt with immediately, even though it was the weekend and the correct card was sent. The store also kindly offered to write the required message in the card for me as I had explained that although the delivery address was in the UK, I had already left for my home in Spain and could not write my own message.